Game-changing non-hormonal technology to put every women in control & make every child desired

Women in control

Women need to be in control of their own bodies, whether it is about physical or mental health.

Contraception is one of the most fundamental elements of women’s health, but are the current options future proof? They include hormones, chemicals and require discipline. They come with undesired side effects.

At Choice we feel there is a movement to make, 21st century women should be able to choose for a 21st century contraceptive solution!

A story of two tiny valves

What would be the most ideal form of contraception?

It should be something that is just there, without any discipline or unwanted side effects. It should be something that you can just rely on no matter what situation.

With that idea we developed Choice - two tiny little valves that are placed at the beginning of the fallopian tubes via an easy office-based procedure. The valves can be opened and closed at wish to provide a women full control over her fertility!

Join our mission

Designing, developing, testing and placing a product on the market is not easy. It is challenging and costly. However, without any research and innovation, no improvements are made. Therefore, we aks for your help! Do you believe in a future where women are more in control over their bodies without any hormones or chemicals? Do you support our mission? For now, we collect mailadresses in our petition, we are working on a donation page. Visit our mission page to hear all about the other opportunities.

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